Wrist Wrap comes with silver SitaRam charm on your choice of silk colour.
Sita and Ram represent the ideal Divine eternal couple and are considered to be the symbol of perfect love and devotion.
Please note: Choose silk colour above (black, grey, red, cobalt blue, fuchsia, eggplant (maroon) or chocolate).
How to Activate your Intention Wrist Wrap™ :
Focus on your three intentions. Loosely wrap the silk around your wrist twice, leaving a finger's width of space. Have a friend tie three knots. With each knot, be mindful of your intention. Trim excess silk, then allow the silk to naturally wear until the end of its journey (6-8 months). Once complete, offer gratitude. You can then wear it on your own silver chain or however you choose.
Each Intention Wrist Wrap™ comes on a card with a description of the piece.